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Ministry steps up Aids drive


100,000 copies of newsletter to be sent out

ONE hundred thousand copies of a newsletter, devoted specially to the prevention of Aids, will be distributed later this month.

The 60,000 English and 40,000 Chinese editions will be sent to voluntary organisations, welfare homes, hospitals and all general practitioners.

Educational Institutions, factories, companies, government departments, statutory boards and members of the public on the Health Ministry's mailing list willn also receive it.

The ministry is also working on a publication for the high-risk groups such as haemophiliacs, homosexuals and prostitutes.

Suit the public

These moves are part of the ministry's stepped-up efforts to educate the public.

Other plans include public talks and the publication of a a new booklet on safety precautions especially for nurses and laboratory technicians.

The training and health education department of the ministry is preparing the special issue of its newsletter, The Health Educator.

The department's medical director, Dr Luisa Lee, said yesterday: "The article Is written to suit the general public and will be illustrated with drawings. "The aim is prevention of Aids. But before you can prevent, you have to help people understand what Aids is, how it is spread, the symptoms and so on."

Aids is a viral disease which destroys the body’s Immune system and renders a person helpless against infections.

It is usually spread through sexual contact with carriers and victims, transfusions of infected blood and the sharing of needles by intravenous drug abusers who are also infected.

Later this month, the department win start its series of talks for the public. The talks will be given to those who ask, said Dr Lee.

See also[]


  • Kong Sook Chin, "Aids on ‘must report’ list", The Straits Times, 17 April 1985[].


This article was written by Roy Tan.