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The National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) is an action plan for protecting against and preventing the spread of HIV infection and AIDS in Singapore. It was formulated by the Advisory Committee on AIDS formed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in 1985, soon after the first reported case of AIDS in Singapore. The committee launched the National AIDS Control Programme to implement control measures for the prevention of HIV incidences in Singapore. The advisory committee was subsequently replaced by two boards in 1987: AIDS Task Force and National Advisory Committee on AIDS. The two bodies took on different tasks to help implement control measures for the prevention of HIV incidences in Singapore.

The activities of the National AIDS Control Programme include educating and counselling the general public about the deadly disease, protecting the nation’s blood supply through stringent screening, introducing legislation to help control and prevent HIV infection, treating HIV and AIDS patients, organising community fundraising activities, and increasing awareness of AIDS through training and research.

See also[]



This article was written by Roy Tan.