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The Personalised Employment Pass is for high-earning Employment Pass holders and overseas foreign professionals. It is not tied to an employer and offers greater flexibility than an Employment Pass.

Key facts[]

Key facts about the pass, including who it is for, validity, legislation and online services.

Eligibility and requirements[]

Eligibility, requirements and features of the Personalised Employment Pass.

Apply for a pass[]

Includes how to apply, documents required and processing time.

Cancel a pass[]

When and how to cancel a Personalised Employment Pass.

Replace a pass card[]

How to replace a lost, damaged or stolen Personalised Employment Pass card.

Notify MOM[]

When to notify MOM, including updates to employment status or employer, passport details and declaring salary.

eServices and forms[]

Online services and forms for Personalised Employment Pass transactions.

iSubmit (for work passes)[]

Make, change or cancel appointment[]

Card Delivery Status Check via Employment Pass Online (Non-login)[]

Personalised Employment Pass Application Form[]

Personalised Employment Pass Notification Form[]

See also[]



This article was compiled by Roy Tan.