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Taxonomy (general) is the practice and science of classification of things or concepts, including the principles that underlie such classification.

Specific taxonomies include:

Natural sciences[]

  • Taxonomy (biology), a branch of science that encompasses the description, identification, nomenclature, and classification of organisms
    • Alpha taxonomy, the description and basic classification of new species, subspecies, and other taxa
      • Linnaean taxonomy, the original classification scheme of Carl Linnaeus
      • rank-based scientific classification as opposed to clade-based classification
    • Evolutionary taxonomy, traditional post-Darwinian hierarchical biological classification
    • Numerical taxonomy, various taxonomic methods employing numeric algorithms
    • Phenetics, system for ordering species based on overall similarity
    • Phylogenetics, biological taxonomy based on putative ancestral descent of organisms
    • Plant taxonomy
    • Virus classification, taxonomic system for viruses
  • Meteorology, science and relevant technology and engineering, concerning inhomogenous and/or problematic atmospheric conditions
  • Folk taxonomy, description and organization, by individuals or groups, of their own environments
  • Nosology, classification of diseases
  • Soil classification, systematic categorization of soils


  • Flynn's taxonomy, a classification for instruction-level parallelism methods
  • Folksonomy, classification based on user's tags
  • Taxonomy for search engines, considered as a tool to improve relevance of search within a vertical domain

Business and economics[]

  • Corporate taxonomy, the hierarchical classification of entities of interest to an enterprise, organization or administration
  • Economic taxonomy, a system of classification for economic activity
    • Global Industry Classification Standard, an industry taxonomy developed by MSCI and Standard & Poor's (S&P)
    • Industry Classification Benchmark, an industry classification taxonomy launched by Dow Jones and FTSE
    • International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC), a United Nations system for classifying economic data
    • North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), used in Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America
    • Pavitt's Taxonomy, classification of firms by their principal sources of innovation
    • Standard Industrial Classification, a system for classifying industries by a four-digit code
    • United Kingdom Standard Industrial Classification of Economic Activities, a Standard Industrial Classification by type of economic activity
  • Records management taxonomy, the representation of data, upon which the classification of unstructured content is based, within an organization.
  • XBRL Taxonomy, eXtensible Business Reporting Language
  • SRK taxonomy, in workplace user-interface design

Education and academia[]

  • Bloom's taxonomy, a standardized categorization of learning objectives in an educational context
  • Classification of Instructional Programs, a taxonomy of academic disciplines at institutions of higher education in the United States
  • Mathematics Subject Classification, an alphanumerical classification scheme based on the coverage of Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt MATH
  • SOLO taxonomy, Structure of Observed Learning Outcome, proposed by Biggs and Collis Tax


  • Safety taxonomy, a standardized set of terminologies used within the fields of safety and health care
    • Human Factors Analysis and Classification System, a system to identify the human causes of an accident
    • Swiss cheese model, a model used in risk analysis and risk management propounded by Dante Orlandella and James T. Reason
    • A taxonomy of rail incidents in Confidential Incident Reporting & Analysis System (CIRAS)

Other taxonomies[]

  • ACM Computing Classification System, a subject classification system for computing devised by the Association for Computing Machinery
  • Military taxonomy, a set of terms that describe various types of military operations and equipment
  • Legal Taxonomy, a subject classification for law devised by Elizabeth Moys

See also[]

  • Taxon, a population of organisms that a taxonomist adjudges to be a unit
  • Philosophical language
  • Classification (disambiguation)
  • Classification (general theory)
  • Categorization, the process of dividing things into groups
  • Ontology (information science), formal representation of knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain
  • Template:Lookfrom